
Reasons to Visit

Stunning Beaches
Historical Sites
World Class Destination
Hiking Routes
Scuba Diving

Follow Odysseus's Path on an Epic Yacht Charter Itinerary

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Discover Ithaca: “Ithaca the final destination of Odysseus” 


Welcome to Ithaca, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of the Ionian Sea and steeped in myth and legend. As you embark on a yacht charter adventure to this storied island, you’ll discover a paradise that captivates the soul with its serene beauty and timeless charm. Ithaca, known as the legendary home of Odysseus, offers a journey back in time, where every cove and coastline holds tales of ancient heroes and epic adventures. Join us as we unveil the enchantment of Ithaca, where each moment aboard your yacht charter promises discovery, wonder, and a deep connection to the rich heritage of the Greek islands.

Local Lifestyle

Ithaca’s local lifestyle embodies the quintessence of tranquil Greek island living. The island’s residents, known for their warmth and hospitality, maintain a deep connection to their rich cultural heritage and the natural beauty that surrounds them. Life in Ithaca moves at a leisurely pace, with days filled with fishing, olive harvesting, and tending to vineyards. In the small, picturesque villages scattered across the island, you can observe the daily rituals that have defined life here for generations. Community gatherings are common, often centered around local tavernas where stories are shared over traditional dishes and local wine. As you explore Ithaca, you’ll be drawn into this intimate world, where the simplicity of life and the beauty of the landscape encourage a profound appreciation for the moment and a slower, more mindful way of living.



Ithaca offers a delightful array of activities that cater to both adventure seekers and those looking to unwind. The island’s rugged terrain and clear blue waters are perfect for hiking, kayaking, snorkeling and Scuba Diving, providing ample opportunities to explore the natural beauty both on land and underwater. The trails leading to ancient ruins and hidden coves are particularly popular, offering panoramic views and a touch of adventure. For those interested in cultural pursuits, Ithaca’s rich history is showcased through its archaeological sites and museums, inviting visitors to delve into the island’s storied past. The vibrant local festivals and art exhibitions also offer a glimpse into the contemporary cultural scene, blending the old with the new in captivating celebrations of Ithacan life. Whether it’s participating in a local cooking class or exploring secluded beaches accessible only by yacht, Ithaca ensures every visitor has the chance to create unforgettable memories.

Highlights of


Highlights of


  • Mythical Heritage: Discover the legendary home of Odysseus, filled with ancient sites and historical lore.
  • Stunning Landscapes: Marvel at Ithaca’s lush hills, olive groves, and dramatic cliffs overlooking the Ionian Sea.
  • Secluded Beaches: Visit pristine beaches and coves accessible only by boat for peaceful relaxation.
  • Vibrant Local Culture: Experience local festivals, traditional music, and the welcoming hospitality of Ithaca’s residents.
  • Water Sports: Enjoy a variety of water activities, from snorkeling and kayaking to sailing in the clear blue waters.

Embarking on a yacht charter vacation to Ithaca promises an unforgettable journey through time and nature. Yachtem offers personalized experiences, allowing you to tailor your Greek island adventure to perfection. Discover the hidden treasures of Ithaca and create memories to last a lifetime.